Sunday, March 14th, 2021 HAPPY NERDS RULE INC. DAY!! in SAN DIEGO, CA
County of San Diego, California Proclamation- Honoring NERDS RULE INC.
WHEREAS, the health, safety and well-being of residents are of primary concern for the County of San Diego and on July 13th, 2010, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors adopted the Live Well San Diego initiative to achieve the Count's vision of healthy, safe and thriving committees; and
WHEREAS, the Live Well San Diego Initiative is about uniting all sectors-business, schools, military, and veterans organizations, community and faith based organizations and all levels of government- in order to bring about positive change; and
WHEREAS, NERDS RULE INC. was established in 2011 as a non-profit organization with the mission of advocating on behalf of at-risk youth, teens and young adults by empowering individuals who are committed to building strong, testing relations through mentoring and social entrepreneurship; and
WHEREAS, NERDS RULE INC. offers creative programs as as a result if its Sustainable Development Goals that target a variety if chang-making opportunities such as good health and well-being; decent work and economic growth; sustainable cities and communities and gender equality; to name a few; and
WHEREAS, the County of San Diego is committed to recognizing and horning those organization that are dedicated to the best ideals of public service, and NERDS RULE INC. is one such worthy organization; NOW THEREFORE,
BE IT PROCLAIMED by all the member of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on this 14th day of March, that they commend NERDS RULE INC. for it outstanding service, leadership, and commitment to the health and wellness for county residents, and do hereby declare this day to be NERDS RULE INC. LIVE WELL SAN DIEGO DAY, through San Diego County.